Nanjgel Deception Managed Services

Deception Protection is a cybersecurity strategy that involves deploying deceptive elements within a network to confuse and mislead attackers. This includes decoy systems, fake credentials, and false data. By enticing attackers to engage with these deceptive elements, organizations can detect, analyze, and respond to threats more effectively. Deception Protection adds complexity for adversaries, increasing the likelihood of early threat discovery and minimizing the impact of cyber-attacks. It enhances overall security posture by creating a dynamic and challenging environment for potential attackers.
Nanjgel’s Deception Managed Services easily configures decoy files, users, hosts, and networks to expose malicious actors who have gained access to your environment.

Deceive attackers with various HONEYPOTS: decoy files, passwords, and network connections.

Use off-the-shelf decoys or craft your own.

Nanjgel deception supports various types of decoys, to detect threats in various stages of the attack’s lifecycle: data files, credentials, and network connections.
In each type, the consumption action triggers the alert – login attempt with a decoy password, connection attempt with RDP or URL and opening a data file.

Detect Attacks At Different Stages

Detect attacks at the credential theft
stage with decoy passwords
Passwords are extremely valuable to attackers attempting to expand their foothold within a compromised environment. Nanjgel crafts and plants text files containing false passwords along attackers’ potential routes. Any attempt to log in with these passwords triggers an alert.
Detect attacks at the lateral movement stage with decoy connections
When seeking to expand compromise across the environment to access organizational resources, internal network shares and RDP connections are extremely attractive. Nanjgel’s decoy connections enable the reliable detection of attackers during the hard –to-detect lateral movement stage.
Detect attacks at the data exfiltration stage with decoy data files
The attacker’s top object is to get hold of sensitive data – IP, PII, business plans, etc. Nanjgel crafts and plants decoy data files and links – similar to what attackers would seek in the target organization – and plants them across endpoints and servers in the environment.
Detect attacks at the data exfiltration stage with decoy data files
When an attacker opens a decoy data file at its premise, an alert is triggered, and the file sends Nanjgel the malicious IP address at which it resides.

Cyber Security Forensic

Cyber Security Forensic is a specialized domain within the broader field of cyber security. It involves investigating and analysing digital data to uncover, preserve, and present evidence in a legal context. This analysis aids in understanding the nature, impact, and perpetrators behind cyber incidents.

Benefits of Cyber Security Forensic

Enhanced Accountability
One of the primary benefits of Cyber Security Forensic is the enhanced accountability it ensures. By tracing back, the origins of an attack, organizations can identify the culprits and take necessary legal actions. This not only brings the guilty parties to justice but also serves as a deterrent for potential cybercriminals. In an age where digital crimes can lead to significant financial and reputational damages, the capability to point out and prosecute offenders becomes invaluable.
Thorough Understanding of Breaches
Cyber Security Forensic offers organizations a thorough understanding of how a breach occurred. Analysts scrutinize every digital fragment, from log files to discarded bits of data, providing insights into the methods and tools used by attackers. This comprehensive understanding aids businesses in fortifying their defences against future threats. As the saying goes, “To prevent a breach, you must first understand it.” Forensic analysis provides this understanding, arming entities with the knowledge to stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries.
Informed Decision Making
Decisions made post-breach can greatly influence an organization’s future resilience and reputation. Cyber Security Forensic provides detailed information on the incident, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding public relations, security upgrades, and legal actions. Without this forensic insight, companies might act on assumptions or incomplete data, leading to inefficient strategies and wasted resources. With forensic analysis, organizations are equipped with the precise data they need to strategize effectively in the wake of a cyber incident.
Cyber Security Forensic unravels digital mysteries. It acts as a bridge between cyber incidents and legal recourse, diving deep into digital footprints to ascertain what, how, and who. By employing forensic tools and expertise, experts can piece together the story behind cyberattacks, ensuring perpetrators are identified and held accountable.

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